Tall Timbers Tree & Shrub Service - Colorado Springs - Tree Care, Tree Spraying, Tree Removal, Tree Trimming, Tree Prune

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Watering During Winter Months

Deep Root Winter Watering!

Why is it so important for your trees to be watered in the winter months?

Our trees remain dormant during the winter months but that does not mean they are immune to the cold and dry conditions. Trees will experience stress from the winter weather, they may not show it, but it is usually due to a lack of water. Moving into winter with dry roots can mean trouble for your trees in the spring. Going long periods without supplemental water can damage the root systems of your trees. Even if your tree is looking normal signs of the weakened tree may not present itself until late into summer.

How can you prevent your trees from being stressed?

Deep Root Winter Watering! We deliver water to the trees right where it needs it the most, their ROOTS! Combination of surface watering and penetrating the ground about 8 inches in depth ensures we are getting the most critical root zone under the drip line. Our goal is to keep the community’s trees as happy and healthy as possible. Rejuvenating our Earth one tree at a time!

Please feel free to call us with any questions, concerns, or to schedule your watering. 719-528-8141